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This feature length documentary plunges us into the imaginary world of witchcraft crimes.
It reveals the workings of an infernal judicial machine that led thousands of men, women and children to the stake. It premiered at the Solothurn Film Festival in January 2022.

Lionel Dorthe, Martine Ostorero, Fabienne Taric, Michel Porret, Kathrin Utz Tremp


directed by: Maria Nicollier
produced by: Maria Nicollier, Cyril Dépraz, REC Production & Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
cinematography: Patrick Mounoud, Philippe Calame
editing: Orsola Valenti
animation: Raphaël Haab
sounddesign: Laurent Jespersen
music: Tarek Schmidt
music mix: Jakob Schneider

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nominated for the Swiss Film Prize © 2018

The two young friends Hamama and Caluna have left everything behind to flee their home country and ended up stranded in a camp in northern Italy. One day, they decide to cross the closed border into Switzerland under cover of darkness by going over the Alps.


directed by: Andreas Muggli
sounddesign: Andreas Muggli
sound mix: Beni Mosele
music: Tarek Schmidt

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Without understanding why, Irna senses that the relationship with her son Jago is becoming more and more hopeless.
She seeks refuge in her own world, whose centre is Elias, a rubber doll.
While Irna holds on to her own reality with all her might, Jago desperately tries to make his mother understand.

Doris Schefer

Johannes Hegemann

written & directed by: Chanelle Eidenbenz
producer: Filippo Bonacci
cinematograhpy: Pascal Reinmann
editing: Florian Geisseler
sounddesign: Lotta Määki
sound mix: Gregg Skerman
music: Tarek Schmidt


The ambitious dancer Jiara Becker runs away after she finds out, that her mother has passed a congenital heart-disease on to her without ever revealing it. After years of complete silence, beaten up and heavily in debt, Jiara returns home to her mother, where she has to decide whether she can forgive or wants to keep running away.

Sima Bürgin
Gian Rupf
Jasmine Faye Friedrich

directed, written & produced by: Serge Zehnder
cinematography: Manuel Haefele
editing: Carmen Walker, Florian Geisseler
sounddesign: Patrycja Pakiela
sound mix: Gregg Skerman
music: Tarek Schmidt
music recorded & mixed by: Max Molling

In a cold and icy world, a tough young huntress searches for food for her village,

when suddenly an orange sphere appears in the blue sky.

directed & animated by: Géraldine Camissar & Daniel Zinsstag
producer: Gerd Gockell
compositing: Lalita Brunner
sounddesign: Christof Steinmann, Leoni Dietrich & Befrin Özgür
sound mix: Christof Steinmann
music: Tarek Schmidt
music mix: Benjamin Gut